Alexandre Dinerchtein 3P vs Rav3n 6D

Alexandre Dinerchtein 3P vs Rav3n 6D

Alexandre Dinerchtein 3P

You can see Alexandre Dinerchtein’s background on the page that talks about the match between Alex and Stanislaw.

Rav3n 6D

Rav3n (Chris Sagner) is a high level amateur dan player in the USA. He goes by Gelato on OGS and Rav3n on KGS.

His contact information, if you are interested in getting lessons, can be found on our Online Teachers page.

He also played a teaching game with me in the past, so I decided to reward him by setting up this game against Alex.

Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Wallerdog Twitch Channel 8-10 PM GMT +1 (2-4PM EST)

Here is the game and review! Enjoy!

Alexandre Dinerchtein 3P vs Mateusz Surma 2P

Alexandre Dinerchtein 3P vs Mateusz Surma 2P

Alexandre Dinerchtein 3P

You can see Alexandre Dinerchtein’s background on the page that talks about the match between Alex and Stanislaw.

Mateusz Surma  2P

Mateusz has been an EGF professional go player since 2015. He spent 2 years in Korean Baduk academies and 2 seasons in Beijing, China.

He has his own website and shop and that information can be found on our Online Teachers page.

Mateusz has been actively participating in tournaments, amateur and then professional since at least 2006.

The match will be held on

Wednesday, 25 January 2023

Wallerdog Twitch Channel 8-10 PM GMT +1 (2-4PM EST)

Update: We decided to make these matches public thanks to the fine support from one of our best supporters.

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